Sunday, January 5, 2014

The System

There are a few words I'm avoiding here. "Goals" is one of them. Although I believe in - and have used successfully - a system of setting smaller goals to achieve a big result, I think the word has been overused and lost a lot of it's meaning. Besides, I don't want to be a cliche'. You know what I mean - that person who sets a goal in January and falls off the wagon before February has come around. I don't want to be "that person." I'd like to believe it's a coincidence that I am starting this journey in January. (Maybe it's not, but humor me.)

I recently read this article by James Clear that discusses the difference between goals and systems. If I want to reach an objective, then I need to have a system in place to accomplish it. Period. So what system am I putting into place?

  1. I will write down my objectives for the week in a journal each Sunday. Every morning I will say the objectives out loud in an "I will" statement.
  2. I will seek the Lord daily through personal study and prayer.
  3. I will actively seek inspiration to help me continue on this path of wellness.
  4. I will attend the temple the first weekend of every month.
  5. I will continue to nourish my emotional health through counseling for as long as needful.
  6. I will seek opportunities to have special time with my children and Ben.

Tonight I heard a quote that really resonated with me:

"Hard times will consistently be there; but so will Christ." ~ Al Fox (aka "the tattooed Mormon")

Positive change is always hard. It involves overcoming bad habits and creating new ones. Sometimes it means letting go of unhealthy emotional attachments to behaviors and food and people. But that's okay. It's okay to be uncomfortable and to hurt and even to cry. And I hate crying. But I have faith that as I get closer to where I want to be, the journey will be easier and more rewarding.

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