Sunday, January 11, 2015


Distractions are a part of life. And while the word itself seems to have a negative connotation, they aren't always a negative thing.

A distraction is simply something that prevents us from giving our full attention to something else. How we feel about these diversions can be an indicator of whether our priorities are in the right place. For example, if you resent the interruption of your child while you're goofing around on Facebook... I would suggest that you check your priorities. Facebook doesn't NEED your whole attention the way your child NEEDS to know you love and care about him/her.

In my experience, it is the distractions in my life that bring me the greatest joy, the most tender moments, and that help me feel needed. 

So where am I going with this? Well, I was in the shower this morning when I realized I had only posted once on here this week. I started mentally kicking myself for not making my goal in the very first week I had set it! How could I let myself get distracted from something so simple?

When I thought over my last few days, the answer was clear: there were other things I needed to be doing. Two people very dear to me had two separate crises this week. I was asked to help someone Thursday evening with a personal emergency. My daughter had a friend over on Friday night, and I watched a movie with my family Saturday night. And through it all, there were kids to hug and people to feed and errands to run. Technically, these were all distractions from my goal. But I don't care. My heart is full today. My best moments this week took place during these "interruptions". These were the things that mattered most.

"Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world."
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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